“While this year has presented numerous challenges to every organization and individual, it is encouraging to see so many of the area’s tech companies and executives remain resilient and committed to the health and wellbeing of their employees, the success of their companies, and industry advancement. Congratulations to Ostendio for being named a 2020 NVTC Tech 100 honoree and for the positive impact the firm has made in our region.” said Jennifer Taylor, NVTC president and CEO.
"We are honored to be recognized as a NVTC Tech 100 company," said Grant Elliott, CEO and chairman, Ostendio. "Today's risks and tomorrow's threats demand always-on, auditable information for companies in all industries. We developed the Ostendio MyVCM platform to meet that need allowing companies to know and show their information is secure."
“As we work to recover from this health and economic crisis, we need to be looking to the future and seeking ways to increase Virginia’s participation in new and ground-breaking industries – especially the tech field,” said U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA). “As a former tech entrepreneur, I applaud these innovative leaders and companies for their drive and vision, and for all that they bring to the Commonwealth. I also commend the Northern Virginia Technology Council for its constant support of the region's technology community.”
Read the full NVTC press release here.
December 17, 2020