Telephone: 703 646 0304
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 10, 2013
Ostendio, Inc. will provide multi-channel Mobile Application solutions and Information Security services
Washington, DC, September 10, 2013– Grant Elliott, formerly the Chief Operations Officer of Voxiva, the leading US Mobile Health provider and creators of Text4baby and Text2quit, today launched Ostendio, Inc. a Mobile Solutions company. Mr. Elliott held an executive role at Voxiva for 8 years, most recently as Chief Operations Officer and Chief Information Security Officer. He built the scalable and secure Text4baby and Text2quit infrastructure for Voxiva and through Ostendio, Inc. aims to use the experiences gained and lessons learned to help other mobile application providers.
“From the surprisingly limited reach of iOS and Android; to the challenges of securing data in a cloud based environment; and the regulatory hurdles imposed by HIPAA and the FDA, there are a lot of surprises ahead for mobile application providers” said Mr. Elliott. “Ostendio can help companies identify and overcome these and many other challenges more quickly and at less cost than if they try to navigate the space on their own”.
Prior to Voxiva, Mr. Elliott held senior roles at AT&T and British Telecom compiling over 20 years of operational experience. In launching Ostendio. Inc. Mr. Elliott has gathered a talented team of experienced IT professionals, Security Analysts and regulatory experts to provide a range of services to support Mobile Application development, cloud-based infrastructure design and Information security risk management.
About Ostendio, Inc.
Ostendio, Inc. is a mobile solutions provider that supports Mobile Application development and delivers multi-channel mobile applications. From application architecture to cloud infrastructure design, Ostendio Mobile Solutions’ qualified developers and IT professionals can build an end-to-end solution that can be used via Mobile Web, Mobile App, SMS or IVR. Ostendio also maintains an Information Security practice providing support to third party application developers, allowing them to ensure their applications are compliant with industry regulations such as HIPAA and FDA.
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September 10, 2013