2019 has been a great year so far for Ostendio! More companies than ever are using MyVCM for Security and Risk Management (also called Integrated Risk Management - IRM), and we’ve been hard at work innovating the platform. In fact, we’ll have some big announcements very soon on that front...stay tuned.
We’ve also been growing our team and taking time to invest in our infrastructure, including our website. For the past couple of months the Marketing team has been hard at work on a new website, which we are ready to unveil today! In fact, since you’re reading this blog post, you’re already on the site! This is a complete redesign from the ground up, focused on making it faster and easier for people to find the insights and resources they need.
The first big goal of the new site is to help people find useful content, regardless of where they are in their security and risk management journey. Whether you are a newcomer to risk management or already have an established program in place, we think there are resources for you and your organization, no matter how big or small it may be.
Beyond content for Integrated Risk Management, we’ve also made it easier to learn about Ostendio MyVCM. This includes a richer description of the key capabilities of the MyVCM platform, a pricing tool with an ROI calculator for Integrated Risk Management, and more information about our Professional Services offerings. We also have a new chat feature to link you directly with our Ostendio team who are happy to help.
Moving forward, we are investing heavily in content creation; what we have on the site now is just a start. So please check back regularly or subscribe to our updates to stay on top of the latest!
We hope that you will find the new site valuable and easy to navigate. We welcome your feedback - is there something missing that you would like featured? Let me know at gelliott@ostendio.com.Tags:

June 10, 2019