When you think about protecting sensitive data, do you think about privacy or security? It’s a trick question because the answer should be “Both.” Whether you’re thinking about data protection from insider threats or potential vulnerabilities in network security, keep in mind that while privacy and security each have roles, there’s a mutual dependence.
In general, the healthcare industry lags behind other established industries when it comes to prioritizing budget spend on data protection solutions. HIPAA also divides security and privacy responsibilities, meaning that these activities traditionally have been tackled by independent teams. As we have seen from the increasing number of data breaches, we need to come up with a better plan for protecting data. Security and Privacy teams need to work together to better safeguard patient data and try and stem the onslaught of data breaches.
Privacy rules tell us how and when sensitive data can be accessed, whether electronically or otherwise. Security actually restricts that access to the authorized users (or systems). Neither can be optimally effective without the other. If your organization focuses too strongly on cybersecurity but deprioritizes privacy best practices, you’re at a disadvantage, and vice versa.
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When privacy and security teams work in tandem, it helps assure trust in data protection; essential trust by consumers, patients and vendor partners. Too often, the roles are disparate, with privacy and compliance shunted under a Privacy Officer and security and IT assigned to the CTO or CSO. The danger of silo operations means not only does efficiency suffer, but so does effectiveness. Gaps grow, leaving your organization at greater risk for a data breach.
Instead, opt for alignment between the privacy and security leads and their teams. Encouraging an ongoing spirit of cooperation between privacy and security resources helps your entire organization double down on data protection. When you make “better together” your mantra for privacy and security practices, you reduce risk and improve data protection effectiveness.